Data-driven, compassionate, preventative healthcare. We are an innovative preventative health clinic in Ontario that focuses on dementia prevention through comprehensive risk assessment, lifestyle intervention, and health literacy.

Cognitive Medicine 


Our dedicated and collaborative team at Cognitive Medicine are honoured to work with you to live your best life now and for the future.

At Cognitive Medicine, we are inspired by the possibilities of individualized and informed preventative medicine.

Personalized preventative health approaches for your present and future.

Quality of Life

We all hope to experience good quality of life with aging. To be emotionally, physically, and cognitively present with our family and friends. To make new memories and to continue to learn. To share our wisdom and experience with loved ones. To be independent and continue to explore the world.

The Path Forward

Increasingly, we are recognizing that the pathway to dementia starts years and years before even subtle symptoms appear. And we can all take steps to reduce our risk, and prevent or delay neurodegenerative processes.

Dementia Prevention and Maintaining Cognitive Health

While the science of treating neurodegenerative conditions continues to evolve, so does our knowledge of how to prevent conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease. And so far, research suggests that our best chance of maintaining quality of life through aging is preventing dementia and other chronic diseases before they start.

Individual Risk Evaluation

When estimating an individual’s risk of developing dementia, our genetic make-up and family history are part of the equation, but not the whole equation. Specific lifestyle changes can make a difference in lowering our risk of developing disease, but we need to each understand our unique risk factors and target our approach accordingly.

Advanced Comprehensive Assessment

Cognitive Medicine utilizes neuropsychological assessment, in combination with a complement of biomarkers, to provide the most advanced way to detect elevated risk and guide individually tailored preventative measures.

Screening vs Neuropsychological Assessment

Commonly, screening tools for cognitive impairment are used to determine if there are current concerns about memory and cognition requiring further assessment and diagnosis. But these blunt tools do not help us predict who might be at elevated risk well in advance of disease progression, which is when interventions have the best chance of changing the course of the disease.


Understand and be truly informed about your individual risk.

Feel supported in preparing and enacting a comprehensive dementia prevention plan.  







Informed · Compassionate · Individualized ·







Informed · Compassionate · Individualized ·